Smoothie Pool

Happy birthday to the love of my life, my partner in crime, my husband.
We love you biaaaaatch!!!

Today I ate absolutely nothing but a banana and a little salad until 21:40, so I don’t have much to share food wise.

This is the smoothie pool I made at 21:40. I say pool because it was a lot. I mean, A LOT.
Did I finish it, you ask?

Green smoothie bowl - Iris Liniado
Kale, Spinach, Cucumber, Carrot, Mango, Hemp seeds, Flax, Chia and topped it off with strawberries, blueberries, sliced mango, buckwheat “brownie” and peanut butter.
This is living proof you should NOT go food shopping when you’re hungry.
I literally went food shopping in my own fridge and used anything I could find because I was so hungry and craving nutrition.
I think I probably ate about a 1/3 of that pool. Delicious 1/3 though. DELICIOUS!

Anyway, we had a celebration for the man today so nothing too exciting plant-based wise – he’s a proud empty carb eater, but here’s a few pictures of my ChuChu because she’s turning into such an amazing character.
Love my little family.

Sorry for the lack of food – hopefully tomorrow I’ll get a good workout in and Foodland will be indulged the way it was meant to be indulged!
Have a good night guys!

#moodIfris Liniado

Iris Liniado

Neon Delight

G’day darlings!

Today we were stuck in the house almost the whole day because of a curtain issue, so the daughter was a bit cray cray, BUT I managed getting some good nutrition into her so it’s a WOOHOO day for me!
Might not sound amazing to you, but she hasn’t really been eating for the past couple of days, so this is pure bliss to us.

** lets all take a moment to appreciate breast feeding **
(saves us when she’s sick and refuses to indulge in any thing outside the breasteses)

So first thing in the morning I made us a delicious green smoothie (sorry, no picture).
And afterwards, THE star of the day – Spinach “pancakes/omlettes”.
Made out of Chickpea flour, spinach, a little baking powder (no aluminium), salt pepper and water.
I actually never thought about Spinach as a pigment, but goddamn! Its gorgeous neon color is pure beauty! Absolutely gorgeous.


I guess you could call that brunch because the next meal was dinner.
I wasn’t in the cooking mood and was feeling kind of lazy to be honest, so this was dinner.
How lazy was I, you ask?
The lentils are raw.


Spinach, left-over potatoes, raw lentils (soaked in water for 48 hours and now being sprouted as we speak), tomatoes, Cucumber, Carrot, Avocado, homemade Kale pesto, Hummus, hot sauce and tahini.

See, that’s whats so amazing about eating whole food plant based, preparing a meal is just too bloody easy.

Another thing I ate today – IMG_0090

So Lychee.
After I stuffed my face with about 12 of these, Husband told me that kids in India got sick and died because they ate too much Lychee.
To read about it, click here 
Who would have thought something so delicious could be so deadly?!?!?! 😦
I was, and am, shocked.

Anyway parents, and the ones to be, make sure you don’t let your kids eat a lot of Lychee, especially not on an empty stomach.
I’ll end this post on that note.

Be kind, healthy and smile. Toodles!

2 For 1

Didn’t get a chance to write yesterday so for the first time, I’ll write during the weekend 🙂

Normally we make sure to travel and experience the outdoors on the weekends, but our poor little baby is just not herself this month.
Her teeth are growing in, but I’m not 100% sure that’s the reason. I’m guessing daycare is a good source of viruses, but anyhoo… She’s been throwing up all night, so it was eventful for us.
The night was a no sleep night for us so we stayed our asses right here at home and had a good noon family nap.
Thankfully, she’s been vomit-free since this morning.
TMI, you say? Oh well.

So I consumed my first meal at about 15:00.
Green smoothie bowl people! I swear, these are the best!
Spinach, kale, cucumber, mango, banana, chia, half and avocado, and topped everything with another banana, strawberries, walnuts and peanut butter.
Now, I know for those of you who are not used to green smoothies, or eating this way, this sounds absolutely disgusting, but trust me, you cannot taste the kale and spinach at all because of the banana and mango.
So basically, you’re having a fruit smoothie with vitamin e, iron, antioxidants and amazing nutrients from the greens as a bonus.
Ya welcome 🙂

Dinner was the most satisfying dish I had ever made. Ever.
I love simple food, it’s the actual best.
Nature is the best chef.
Leak, potato, green beans, tomatoes, avocado, walnuts, carrots, hummus and tahini drizzled over it all. Absolute heaven in the mouth.
And the colors are just pure art.

IMG_0003 (1)So that was today.

Yesterday I started my morning with a banana and continued on with my workouts and errands, so I didn’t start my day smart food wise.
For a quick fix I stopped at Boost and got myself an acai cup with oats, blueberries, strawberries and banana.
It did the job!
When I got home it was about 14:30 and I felt bad I didn’t treat me body to vegetables yet, so….. This is what I devoured.
Beautiful and delicious (Not to mention, filling).

The whole meal was based on the Cashew-Beat “cheese” I had from the day before.
Buckwheat/assorted seeds bread, beat “cheese”, lettuce, eggplant, avocado, tomatoes, leak and hemp seeds.
Yes, it was as good as it looks, if not more 🙂

For dinner we went out, I ordered a veggie platter that had almost no veggies and almost all dairy, so that was a fail.
Maybe I can thank that restaurant for my daughters’ eventful night life last night?

So it’s been a while since I shared my progress.
My journey is definitely not over, and I plan on being whole food plant based always, but here is a before and now (still have ways to go).
Now I know, the before pic is a bad picture and it definitely wasn’t flattering. I want to think I didn’t look like that in real life and that it was the actual pic, and to be honest I avoided, and still do avoid people taking pictures of me. I feel like a stranger when I look at myself.
BUT, I feel like progress can only be tracked through pictures. The scale doesn’t mean anything to me, especially if I’m gaining muscle (which weighs more than fat btw).

So yea, that’s it for now. 2 days in 1 post. Not bad 🙂
I Hope you’re having a great weekend and I hope my daughter will as well. Poor mama…


Too Pretty To Eat

How’s it going, my fellow eaters?

I love Sydney but this weather is killing me!! Sunny and hot, then it’s rainy, then windy and sunny again. Reminds me of my days in Florida, only back then I was hot and worry free 😀

So anyway, this morning started out with one of the best smoothie bowls I have ever had. DELICIOUSNESS IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT PEOPLE!! So so divine.
Took one of those delicious Australian Mangoes, Acai, Strawberries, Banana, Spinach, Avocado (half) , Hemp seeds, Chia (Soaked in water for an hour), and threw all of that into my cherished, and oh so appreciated, NutriBullet .
To that I added some freshly cut mango that was left on the seed (the best part!), some strawberries and bits of Buckwheat “brownie”.
Topped that off with some delicious organic Peanut Butter.
My mouth is watering reliving the taste.
Listen to me, and listen closely – LEAVE EVERYTHING AND GO MAKE THAT NOW. So so so so so so so so so so good.

For lunch I had this gorgeous Fettuccine made out of chickpeas.
Tossed that around with some Turmeric, garlic and pepper, added diced carrots and onions.
To that I added fresh colorful tomatoes and topped everything off with a beautiful beat-cashew sauce.
I mean.. look at those colors. WHAT!
I felt kind of guilty eating it… it was just so pretty 🙂


Munching on a cucumber right now but not really hungry so no dinner for me.
I find if I don’t eat after 18/19, my body feels really pure and energized in the morning.
I believe that’s called intermittent fasting or something? I hate to put names on things… Just do what works for you.

So muh peeps! I hope you’re day is marvelous and that you’re pulling through if it’s not.